Words Almost Can't Describe...

...the way I feel sometimes about people on facebook. I'm not talking about the people who post things contrary to what I think or are generally abrasive, I can handle those, mostly. Informed opinion, even contrary to mine, is always a good thing as far as I'm concerned. It's the stupidity I can't handle.
Remember back in the day (waaaay back when, I believe it was the early to mid 90's), when the internet was really gathering up steam and everyone was excited to have email and chatrooms? Well I do. I also remember the emails I'd get cluttering up my inbox. I believe at that time I had a storage limit of 7 emails, so these "spam" mails were kind of frustrating to me. (Haha I'm funny, it wasn't really 7, it was more like 18). That being said, being about 15 at the time, when I got an email that said if I sent it on some starving child in Africa/sick child in Minnesota/ugly woman awaiting plastic surgery would receive 3 pennies from Microsoft/Yahoo/AOL (remember those guys?) if I forwarded it to all my friends, I was more than happy to do my part. Made me feel good. Yeah. I was a model 15-year-old citizen.
Well some time passed, and I came to realize that these emails were not only false, but just flat out ridiculous. Why would this happen? How would it happen? And again, why? Common sense! But I see these same things floating onto facebook now, some 15 years later, and I wonder why nobody has learned.
Then there's the... well, y'know, forget it, I'll just post my status on it:

I keep seeing these photos around facebook that say things like "Do you love your mom? Share if yes, ignore if no" and they seem so asinine and needlessly manipulative to me. But then it occurs to me that maybe I could get in on this, just to see how far they can spread. I'm thinking things like "Are you sexually attracted to goats? Share if no, ignore if yes." or "Does anyone really love you? Share if yes, ignore if no." or "If you don't share this photo, you support cruelty to animals and children and children who love animals." Plus I'd make sure to misspell at least one word, spell "was" as "wuz" cause it's "cute", and never actually type out the whole loooonng word of "you".

I admit, it makes me feel a little bit old to already be saying things like "Back when I was your age..." or "I don't understand kids these days..." or "What are teachers doing in high-school anymore, handing out passing grades as some sort of participation award?" I'm really mourning what appears to me to be the slow death of literacy and common sense. I'm a big reader, and obviously I like to write. My grammar might not always be perfect, but I like to think that my sentences have a certain flow to them and my spelling is always good. And! for the times that my spelling is off, guess what! Spell check! Everyone has it! Mine shows up right in the text box, as a helpful red squiggly line, right under my word. Right there! Can't miss it! And I'm all "Thanks buddy, I hadn't realized!" and it's like "..." cause it's just a line and can't talk. Whoops, tangent.


So I decided to do it. Like I said I would. I'm open to suggestions on any more. I want them as ridiculous as possible. Take 'em, use 'em, just leave my link on 'em, I'd like to see if they spread.

Yeah that's as far as I've got. -placeholder- I'll add more when I'm finished them. Check back. :)


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