Something about Nothing

I'm having one of those mornings where I'm not quite at full capacity, but I have a lot of random things bouncing around my mind, kind of like a pinball in a machine being played by a button-mashing kid.

It occurs to me that I overuse the word "random". As such, I've helpfully gone to, and retrieved this list of words synonymous with "frivolous". I mean, "capricious". No no... okay, you get my point.

Shake it up a bit.

My first thought strayed to amusing commercials. Which I do watch, until they annoy me. There is one in particular that I see for a bail bondsman, I believe. I can't remember the name of the company. Their marketing worked that well. But it's got a woman in it, looking comfortably middle-class, comfortably middle-aged, saying "When the police called me and said that my son had been arrested..." I italicized those words because she said them with such incredulity. As if to say, "There must be some mistake! My son is a good boy! I'm his mother, I know!" My husband and I have laughed at this a few times, how she comes across as the perfect head-in-the-sand mother. He took it one step further though when he suggested that the commercial would be outright hilarious, if, when dear old mom is pointing out her shock and dismay at the error of the officers, her darling boy was behind her rifling through her purse. And then walking out with her TV. The very concept made me laugh, though I admit it would probably do even less for the company's marketing than the current commercial.

This is the commercial that's amusing me the most lately, because yes, I am game obsessed.

While I'm on Dear Playstation commercials, this one also makes me laugh:

And then I've helpfully found this compilation that has a few of my favourites:

Enough about that.

As far as other...slapdash thoughts, I'm thinking about the worst children's shows of all time. Help me out here if I miss some. I consider myself an expert on the matter, because I have two small children who, on any given day, I generally allow to watch entirely too much television. Other "experts" than myself may frown upon this, but I'd like to see them handle my kids without TV. Forever.

On that note, I'm compiling as I go a list of the worst children's shows I have seen. I say "compiling" rather than "compiled" because really I haven't thought too much about it even up to the point that I'm typing these words. So, if you were to ask me what is the worst children's show ever, I would have to go with...

1. Dora the Explorer.

Followed closely by:

2. Barney.

If you'd asked me 5 years ago, Barney would have been my absolute number 1. But as my children grew and I had to watch more and more of this Dora freak, my opinion changed. Barney is educational, in the least. Dora, Dora to a child's brain is like force-fed mush to an adults body. It's repetitive, it's mind-numbing, it speaks down to kids and drills its dialogue into their brains by never-ending chanting. I hate Barney because he sounds like a retard on ecstasy. I hate Dora for existing.

3. Yo Gabba Gabba.

Speaking of shows where people seem to be on drugs. You have one actual human being, (and sometimes guests), and this one person looks like he took LSD before he got ready this morning. He plays with tiny monsters who talk and play too, they pretty well resemble nothing you've ever seen before. Everyone is way too happy. I feel like if I were on drugs I might enjoy this show, but I'm not, so I don't.

4. In the Night Garden.

Virtually the same reasons as above, only minus the one real person.

5. Bakugan.

My kids love Bakugan Gundalian Invaders. Let me provide a snippet of its theme song, not for anyone's enjoyment, but to prove my point. "What're you gonna do! The odds are stacked against you! Back against the wall! You gotta give it your all! This is the FINAL STAND! The battles in your hand! TWO WORLDS COLLIDE! ON THE INSIDE! YOU GOTTA FIGHT FOR WHAT'S RIGHT! BEFORE IT'S GONE..GONE..GONE..THIS IS BAKUGAN!"

Okay, so that's the entire song, not a snippet. And I wrote that from memory. Help me.

The song alone is asinine. They first use general words that have no real meaning, and then they repeat the word "gone" 3 times to fill space, and then rhyme "bakugan" with it.

Though it does follow in a time-honoured tradition of anime style battle shows that have captured the hearts of children for decades, while also capturing the wallets of their parents. Before Bakugan was Digimon, before Digimon... Pokemon... I'm guessing it won't end anytime soon.

Finally - you may or may not notice that I've done some work to actually make my blog attractive and functional. It took me a long time, and by the end of last night I was pretty much stuck in a vulture-like pose, stiff over my keyboard. I hope everyone likes it.

I've also started a blog that has an actual theme, but I haven't written anything in it yet. I'll add it to my blog list when I do.

Happy Sunday!

Note: I've been informed by my best friend that Digimon did, in fact, come before Pokemon. And also that I forgot Yugi-Oh. While I'm resting assured that nobody else knows this information, I'll note it - and now you all know.

Note Note: I've also been informed that I forgot Teletubbies, and also "How dare I forget Teletubbies?" I admit, I dropped the ball. Forgive me. I'm always willing to add to the list!


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