
Like a housewarming? Get it? *groan* Okay, not my wittiest moment.

Ah well. Post number one. Allow myself to introduce...myself. I've contemplated starting a blog for some time. Why? Primarily because I like to write and I have opinions on things that all my friends and family are tired of hearing. This way at least I can pretend someone is paying attention.

The reason I struggled for so long with actually getting started is that I couldn't come up with a theme. I love blogs, I read blogs, they all have a theme. Bad cakes, funny facebook statuses, general fails. Funny stuff. And I like funny, but I also like serious. If you read here, I hope you'll get a mix of both.

So this is random. It's all random, because I'm random. Some call it moody. Like a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a chocolate stick used to stir coffee... because I love coffee.

I like to think I'm unique, just like everyone else. I do somehow manage to have ideas and opinions that make either side of any issue bristle. I call myself moderate, as in.. in the middle. I take a little from both sides, quite often. Very little is black and white in my world. And if it has to be something else, I'd prefer pink. At least today.

Political Correctness be damned. I'm definitely not malicious, but nobody is going to be happy with me all the time. So I'll be true to myself, and at least I can be sure that I agree.

Without further ado, the specifics. I'm a 20-something mother of 2 young boys. Christian, but please don't peg me - I probably won't fit in the hole you try to shove me in. I believe in equality but not assimilation, I am pro-life and passionate about social issues such as poverty and everything that fish-hooks into. I love people, I hate people. Your mileage may vary based on my mood and stress level. I love food, anything food related, and cooking. I like to call myself an artist, though I haven't picked up a pad of paper to do much with it in years. Books > movies. And I'm an internet addict. I have been described as down-to-earth, a label I very much appreciate.

If you're reading me, thanks. Stick around, hope you enjoy.


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